Trusted And Knowledgeable Guidance For Complex Cases

Aggressively Advocating For Injured Mothers And Babies

Injuries that occur during birth can affect the lifelong health of children and mothers. Many birth injuries are preventable if the medical professionals had used commonly accepted practices and had not been negligent in their duty to provide. The knowledgeable medical malpractice attorneys at Kampinski & Roberts, LPA can help if you or someone you love was injured during childbirth because of a medical professional’s negligence.

Our medical malpractice attorneys work to help people who were hurt during childbirth their deserved compensation. Our Independence law firm has helped families across Ohio recover millions of dollars in compensation for their birth injury cases. The lawyers have more than 50 years of combined medical malpractice experience that they will use to evaluate and guide your case.

The Various Types Of Birth Injuries

Life-altering birth injuries such as cerebral palsy and shoulder dystocia (Erb’s palsy), injuries from forceps and various physical and mental disabilities frequently arise as the result of a doctor’s negligence. Obstetric malpractice may result in hypoxia or a delayed delivery in situations where proper medical care during birth could have prevented the injury entirely.

Proving that the baby would have been born without problems if the obstetric negligence had not occurred requires a great deal of technical knowledge and expertise. We work with renowned medical experts to do an in-depth analysis of each client’s injuries. This collaboration with experts, combined with our comprehensive legal knowledge, allows us to create effective strategies so that our clients can get the best possible outcome.

We have a long history of obtaining favorable results for our birth injury clients. Here are a few examples:

  • $4.5 million settlement: A newborn suffered a severe brain injury and cerebral palsy due to negligent delay in delivery.
  • $3.99 million verdict: A baby suffered neurological damage because the umbilical cord was crimped during his delivery.
  • $3 million verdict: A stillborn birth occurred after a mother was left off a monitor for several hours during her labor and delivery.
  • $2.4 million settlement: A baby was not resuscitated properly after a delivery in which doctors had responded to shoulder dystocia by using a procedure that was contraindicated.
  • $1.58 million verdict: An OB/GYN group was found liable for a baby’s nerve injury that was caused when his left shoulder became stuck against his mother’s pelvis when a vacuum extractor was used during delivery.

Get Help From Knowledgeable Medical Malpractice Attorneys

We evaluate every client’s potential case and work with them to decide how to best move forward. This in-depth review allows us to answer questions and give you a reasonable idea of what to expect. You can contact Kampinski & Roberts, LPA now and schedule your free consultation by calling 440-569-6846 or sending an email.