Trusted And Knowledgeable Guidance For Complex Cases

Hospital Staff Errors Carry Serious Consequences

Negligence does not just occur at the hands of doctors. All levels of hospital personnel are involved in a patient’s care, and negligence, unfortunately, occurs at all levels. Mistakes and errors by hospital staff, including inpatient care staff, pathologists, technicians and even records staff can lead to complications and serious injuries.

At Kampinski & Roberts, LPA, we represent the victims and families of those who were injured because of negligent hospital staff, doctors and nurses. We represent clients in the Cleveland and Akron areas as well as those across the state of Ohio. You can schedule your free consultation now by calling us at 440-569-6846.

Proven Negligence And Malpractice Attorneys

Hospitals are responsible for negligent actions made by their employees while providing medical care. Types of malpractice range from medication errors to mistakes made during surgery. Our firm aggressively investigates all manner of negligence and malpractice in hospitals to create personalized and effective strategies. This in-depth analysis allows us to maximize our injured clients’ compensation.

We have helped many clients with a variety of negligence cases, including:

  • $15 million settlement: A baby was administered excessive medication, an error that resulted in spastic quadriplegia and brain damage.
  • $8 million verdict: A failure to detect bacterial meningitis resulted in death.
  • $6.3 million verdict: A doctor and a hospital were found liable for a patient’s death after the failure to diagnose a patient’s kidney disease despite abnormal test results and the doctor’s prescribing of a drug that was known to cause renal disease. At the time, it was the largest verdict against the defendant hospital.
  • $3.5 million verdict: A hospital failed to treat a patient’s pancreatitis.
  • $3 million verdict: A hospital was found liable after surgeons mistakenly burned a hole in the artery of a 69-year-old patient undergoing triple bypass heart surgery, causing her death.

Set Up Your Free First Meeting

You can learn more by contacting our office now. Call us at 440-569-6846 or send us an email to schedule your free consultation.